About Us
The club has a long history since its formation in 1924 and has seen
many ups and downs since then, in fact it was close to folding before
a resurgence of interest in the 70s. In the past twenty years the membership
has stabilized at approx. 30 - 40 members. We have active members competing
in local road races, time trials and the occasional cross event. We have
a strong commitment to the promotion of races (see Promotions),
we organize open, association and club events each year. Perhaps our greatest
strength is the social aspect of club life, not only do we have a well
attended Sunday club run but we have a very popular social run on a Thursday
Club membership runs for the calendar year, however subscriptions may
be paid at any time, see our registrar at a club meeting or give him a
ring ( for contact details see 'Club Officials').
We have two classes of membership; Full Member and Social Member (a social
member is not eligible to race for us but otherwise has full rights).
Current cost for a years subscription for both classes of membership is
only £8.